What are the 3 levels of language learning?

The three levels of language learning are generally considered to be Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. One of the most commonly used Russian language standards in the world is the CEFR standard, which divides proficiency in 3 broader levels (A, B, and C), and 6 more specific levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2).

What level is fluent Russian?

Fluency is typically considered to begin at the C1 level, with full fluency achieved at the C2 level.

How can I rate my Russian level?

The simplest way to rate your own Russian level is to take a language proficiency test that covers basic general areas like reading, vocabulary, and grammar. You can find a free test online, or more extensive ones for a better idea of where your skills are.

Russian Language Levels: a quick overview

Proficiency Level CEFR Description
Beginner A1 You can use simple phrases for basic needs. At A1, you can have basic interactions provided the other person speaks clearly.
Pre-Intermediate A2 You can use Russian for everyday tasks and activities. You can also understand common phrases related to topics such as personal information and employment.
Intermediate B1 You can have simple conversations about familiar topics. At this point, you can describe experiences, events, and deal with many situations while traveling.
Upper-Intermediate B2 You can communicate confidently about many topics. At B2, you can talk with native speakers without difficulty and with a degree of spontaneity. You can also understand the main ideas of texts within your field of specialization.
Advanced C1 You can express yourself fluently in almost any situation, without the need to search for expressions. You are able to perform complex tasks related to work and study. You can also produce clear, detailed texts on challenging subjects.
Mastery C2 You use the language with complete mastery. You have the ability to read, speak and write about any type of subject, emotion, or opinion. You are able to differentiate finer shades of meaning from the language even in more complex situations.